9 Charities with Highest Percentage to Cause | Nonprofit Point
Changing a life is easier said than done. While charities hold all the financial power, they can either fully turn a bitter situation into an inspiring story or break it further for monetary gain. However, their values, efforts, and striking missions have profoundly changed millions of lives for the better and allowed all individuals to build a more inspiring and skillful community who can stand up on its feet rather than letting fate take its desired course.
It is unbelievable how well the charities perform and keep track of their financials since most of them fund 100% of their donations towards funding their activities and solutions.
Here are 9 Charities with Highest Percentage to Cause:
1. International children’s fund

Founded in 1978, ICF provides monetary and material value in terms of food, clothing, and medical requirements across the African continent. The team has learned how to buy and distribute through their local channels by working alongside local partners at a micro level.
This has helped them reduce waste and further elevate the economic benefits. With a humanitarian-focused strategy, they have supported the construction of orphanages, churches, schools, and vocational training centers to provide the community with a well-established environment.
Since 99.7% of all their donations are used for their kind activities, they received a Platinum Transparency seal from GuideStar this year, while Charity Navigator gave them a perfect 4-star rating.
Let’s look at some more indepth information that qualifies this charity as the one providing highest percentage to the cause:
- This organization relies primarily on volunteers to carry out its work. More than 30 volunteers process more than $8 million and $10 million in donated goods annually from American contributors, which are shipped to countries throughout the African continent.
- For every dollar donated, 99 cents go directly to helping those in need. This is an exceptionally high rate of direct contribution, indicating that the organization operates with very low overhead costs.
2. CIS Development Foundation

Their goal is to contribute towards economic development by training the community to become well-educated and form a diverse industrial base. Every year they ship containers with humanitarian aid and technical equipment like clothing, shoes, medical supplies, hygiene care, home essentials, and a lot more to several countries across the globe.
They are achieving steady growth with a focus on strengthening 4 main segments, namely, orphanages, educational institutes, elderly homes, and rural communities. The orphanages often have children with disabilities; CIS provides them with basic resources and generous gifts.
While people in rural areas live below the poverty line, the target is generating employment while delivering daily essentials. CISDF has also worked with several elderly care organizations and helps them every month with a package of $150 and some gifts.
Since children are the future, this charity has partnered with multiple institutes to provide children with uniforms, footwear, toys, and school supplies to make a strong difference in their lives. Charity Navigator rates with a clean 4-star for their financial accountability of funding their programs with 99.5% of all the donations received.
3. Matthew 25: ministries

Established by Rev. Wendell Mettey, this charity aims to fulfill its dream of providing nutritional meals, clean water, clothing, affordable homes, medical supplies, and humanitarian assistance to the needy.
Their growth is fuelled most efficiently by welcoming volunteers and engaging with their donors. By reusing and modifying the supplies from major corporations and manufacturers, they have successfully provided basic necessities of clothing, food, and education to people across the US and worldwide. Rather than being a handout, they institute themselves as a helping hand.
Their financial reports highlight how 99.4% of their donations are used post-calculative decisions for their activities. This financial transparency led them to receive a 100% score from Charity Navigator.
According to charitytruth.com, here are some more details about this charity:
Percentage of donations spent on services
- Total donations and grants: $214,444,045
- Spent on services and grants: $209,641,360
- Percentage of donations toward grants and services: 97.76 Percent
Percentage of revenue spent on fundraising
- Total revenue: $217,569,840
- Fundraising expenses: $651,274
- Paid to professional fundraisers: $0.00
- Percentage of total revenue spent on fundraising: 0.29 percent
Administrative and overhead costs
- Overhead expenses: $554,793
- Property assets: $4,651,638
- Investment assets: $5,985,972
- Paid to officers/directors: $451,096
- Highest paid officer/director: CEO $217,059
- Percentage of total revenue spent on officers/directors Salaries: 0.20 percent
4. Kids in Need Foundation

KNF is making a difference in children’s life by providing them with a resourceful environment to ensure their success. Along with supplying a child with a backpack full of necessary stationery, one can also supply a teacher with essential supplies.
They respond to the kids and teachers during any natural disaster through partnerships with various schools and local authorities. They ensure that the crisis does not affect their daily learning. With a network of more than 40 organizations, they launched their National School Lunch Program and Every Teacher, Every Day program to fulfill their daily requirements for educational sources and healthy meals.
This aims at empowering the creation of a positive change, connecting to spread support and wellness, and inspiring to inculcate life-changing habits. GuideStar recognized how they would funnel 99.4 % of the total donations made to change some brilliant lives annually and rewarded their mission with a gold transparency seal in 2021.
5. Brother’s brother foundation
BBF was established in 1958 by Dr. Robert Hingson to aid in providing vaccinations for underserved communities across the globe. They have expanded their healthcare mission to infrastructure, disaster response, and education. Under their healthcare segment, they receive medical supplies from hospitals and pharmaceuticals sent across various countries.
With their focus on infrastructure, they aim to secure reliable and affordable access to essential resources in need. As for disaster response, they work alongside the first responders and local relief agencies to provide relief supplies.
Lastly, with interest in education, they work with local communities to repair damaged schools, install solar power, and provide refurbished computers and necessary sporting equipment for a complete schooling experience.
99.4% of the donations are used to help underserved communities with a focus on the above-mentioned segments and provide care for those who’ve suffered loss during the pandemic. Charity Navigator rates them a perfect 4 while GuideStar awards them with a Platinum Transparency seal.
6. Direct relief
They are ready to face any disaster with a base in more than 80 countries and 50 U.S. states. Having a well-equipped team of health professionals makes their work to provide for the poor smooth.
Their key strategy is to identify the local health service providers and mobilize the community’s resources. 100 % of the donations proceed towards storing, transporting, and distributing such packages most efficiently. While Charity Navigator rates them a clean 100% score, they are the most innovative nonprofit organization in the world.
7. Integrate Health Inc.:
Their belief in every individual receiving equal healthcare has led to the creation of this splendid charity and its notable programs. With 2 health clinics, they have a team of 201 community health workers who have completed 1141857 health visits in the underprivileged area.
With an integrated approach, they aim to strengthen the primary healthcare department of the nation and provide each individual with medical coverage. By hosting 700 community meetings annually, they have achieved excellence through efficiency, empowerment, transparency, commitment, respect, and collaboration.
Their continuous collection of analyzed data has improved their performance abilities and built a quality-managed framework. Charity Navigator rates them a 4 star for their sound financial reports and the clear breakdown of 100% of the funds channeling into their work.
8. Family Aid Boston
Their empowering actions for parents and caregivers facing homelessness have led them to build a strong community with a vision of growth. By working round the clock to provide endless solutions for multiple issues, they have based their roots on aiding the underprivileged in the most wholesome manner.
With an emergency shelter area, they provide families with a safe house and support until they have a home to return to. This has helped break the traditional cycle of homelessness and childhood trauma. Family-to-family donors have contributed exceptionally well to changing lives from the tide of poverty.
Based on this evident work and positive impact Charity Navigator scores them a perfect 100 while GuideStar places them among the platinum transparency organizations who contribute 100% of their donations for their resourceful solutions.
9. Norwalk Community College Foundation
They aim to make education affordable for every student out there. Their scholarships have been granted to 403 students while $2,400,000 million were channeled into their program support.
A decade’s experience allows them to devise a problem-specific approach for students with their customized needs and requirements to boost their goals further. When quality education is delivered to a student, it creates an advanced and skillful workforce for a country.
A small donation can impact an individual’s life, hence their encouragement. 100% of their proceedings are used to fund the multiple success programs devised by them.
Final Thoughts
Charities with more than 92% ratings are the ones that have spent decades researching to find an optimum solution for their targeted community. These nonprofits spend more than 75% of their donations on programs to support the causes they know will positively impact society. These are some of the great charities that give the highest percentage to the cause.
While private firms donate to the government and individuals, every charity’s responsibility is to make suitable use of it. Apart from putting the money to genuine use, they pour their heart and souls into their programs as they believe in their profound impact.