6 Creative Food Pantry Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits to Boost Revenue
Nonprofit organizations are known to be one of the largest social service providers in communities. Unfortunately, these organizations can have a difficult time generating donations and sustaining themselves.
Food pantry nonprofit organizations are able to provide families with much-needed food and help those in need. Not only does this give people an opportunity to help, but it also helps get food into the hands of those who need it most. The benefits of hosting a fundraising event aren’t limited to the organization. Food pantry fundraising is a good way for individuals and businesses to give back as well as to promote their brand.
Here are 6 creative food pantry fundraising ideas to boost revenues:
1. Putting on a food festival

One of the best ways to raise money is by hosting a food festival. This way, people who attend the event can also purchase food from your organization’s pantry during the festival. Not only will this help you raise money, but it will also help increase your visibility in the community.
It’s important to have a clear message with your event so that your audience knows what they can expect. You’ll want to advertise that there will be a variety of foods, as well as games for kids and live music. This way, not only do you get more people through the door, but you also get families who are excited about coming out and enjoying themselves.
You want to make sure that the event is free for anyone who wants to come through (which means you can’t sell tickets). With that said, if someone purchases food from your pantry during the event then they should be able to donate an amount towards that purchase. You’ll then collect all of those donations at the end of the night and donate them to your charitable cause or your nonprofit’s mission.
2. Selling baked goods

Many food pantries offer baked goods for sale to the public. This is a great way to generate revenue for your nonprofit because it can be done with a little upfront cost. You can bake cookies, brownies, or any other type of baked goods and sell them at markets, bake sales, or even online through websites like Etsy.
Pro tip: You can even start an online fundraising campaign within minutes with Donorbox. Just set up a donation page and start sharing links with the people to contribute.
3. Pairing up with Restaurants

One great way for nonprofits to make money with food pantry fundraising is by pairing up with restaurants in order to get them involved in the process. Restaurants often have leftover food at the end of the day, which they would otherwise discard.
These leftovers can be donated and the restaurant will receive a tax write-off in exchange for donating the leftovers. This will not only provide a space for people in need to find food, but it will also help your organization raise funds!
4. Participating in a walk-a-thon
Walk-a-thon events are typically held over the course of a weekend and involve people walking around a designated area. This is one of the most popular and cost-effective ways that nonprofits can fundraise for themselves.
These events often involve an auction, which many people enjoy because they get to buy items at discounted prices while still having money left over to donate. Other times, local businesses will donate their products as raffle prizes, providing more opportunities for people to participate.
A walk-a-thon can be especially beneficial for those communities who live in low-income areas with little access to healthy food options. It not only provides an opportunity for people who want to help; it also provides healthy food options that these communities may not otherwise have access to.
5. Have a Penny Drive

Collect pennies from employees and then donate the money to your food bank. A penny drive is an event where people collect coins in order to raise funds for a charity or cause. The idea behind this fundraising technique is that it’s easier than asking others if they would be willing to make donations because everyone has something of value: spare change! It can also help build community spirit by having fun while doing good work.
Why it works: This is a great way to remind your employees that giving back is part of your DNA and you want them to feel good about being part of your company.
6. Have a dinner auction
Ask local restaurants to donate a meal for your food pantry with a set number of people. You can also ask employees or members to donate a dinner to your pantry.
This is an easy way for companies, organizations, schools and other groups who have extra meals that they don’t want anymore but still need them in the community instead of throwing it away by donating it. The amount raised at this event will go towards purchasing new items needed in the food bank such as canned vegetables or fruit so you are able to make sure everyone has enough healthy foods on hand when they come into use.
So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start fundraising for your food pantry today. There are so many options when it comes to fundraising for your nonprofit. Pick the one that works best for your organization, mission and your community.