5 Charities That Help With Rent (With Resources)
When you’re facing a financial crisis or struggling to make ends meet, having your rent suddenly increase by several hundred dollars can feel like an insurmountable burden. Luckily, there are plenty of affordable rental properties that accept low-income applicants and offer grants in exchange for a small surcharge. These charities provide housing services and help people with their rent payments without expecting anything back in return. They simply want to see the community they serve to thrive.
Here are 5 Best Charities that help with rent:
United Way

The United Way is a nonprofit, that helps low-income and senior citizens with utilities, groceries, healthcare, and housing costs. The organization also supports students and people with disabilities, in addition to other vulnerable populations in need.
They have a dedicated program for rent assistance called The King County Eviction Prevention Rental Assistance Program (EPRAP).
What you get:
Eligible families can receive between 3 to 12 months of rent help (9 months in back rent and 3 months forward), depending on their type of lease agreement held with the landlord/property manager – Source
Program Eligibility as per their policies:
- Income at or below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI).
- Experiencing a financial hardship directly or indirectly due to the COVID-19 outbreak that threatens the household’s ability to pay the costs of the rental property when due.
- At risk of experiencing homelessness or currently experiencing housing instability.
You can fill up a form here for more details.
Note: Be sure to check rental assistance program in your county by United Way.
Habitat for Humanity

The DEHAP program by Habitat for humanity provides rental assistance to low-to-moderate income renters in Delaware affected directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rental assistance provides:
- Emergency housing assistance for renters affected by shutdowns, closures, layoffs, reduced work hours, unpaid leave, and financial hardship related to the COVID-19 health crisis
- up to $2,000 per month of rental assistance (15 months maximum)
- rental arrears from April 2020 to present
- up to three (3) months of prospective (forward) rent
- security deposits and first month’s rent
- up to $1,500 per month for current utilities and arrears
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Eligibility Criteria for Rent Assistance:
- One or more individuals who qualified for unemployment OR experienced a reduction in income OR incurred significant costs OR experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the pandemic
- Risk of experiencing homelessness OR housing instability
- Current income at the time of application at or below 80% of Area Median Income
Source: Rental Assistance Program
Note: Habitat for Humanity has a lot of branches in various states and counties. Be sure to check accordingly.
Catholic Charities

Catholic charities have an Emergency Rent Assistance Program for those in need.
According to their website, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is in place to provide families and individuals financial assistance for rent including: rent, rental arrears, utilities, and home energy costs incurred due, directly, or indirectly, to COVID-19.
The client must be able to prove this financial loss via pay stubs, bank statements, unemployment awards letters, etc.
How to apply for rent assistance?
- Whichever county you live in, search on Google like this: “Catholic Charities Santa Clara County Rent Assistance“
- In place of Santa Clara, you can search and replace your county name you live in.
- This will help you locate Catholic charities in your county area.
- Click on the 1st link you see and apply.
- Be sure to check the eligibility criteria.
The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army provides rent assistance to low-income families. This assistance can be used to help pay monthly rent, utility bills, and other expenses. The Salvation Army offers several types of rent assistance programs. Some of these include emergency grants, short-term grants, and long-term housing assistance. These programs are available to all low-income individuals, including seniors, veterans, the disabled, and low-income families with children.
There are several ways that you can apply for rent assistance from The Salvation Army. You can apply online through their website or by calling their 24-hour hotline. There are also several different social service agencies across the country that partner with The Salvation Army to provide resources and services to low-income individuals in need. Those agencies include local food banks, shelters, community centers, etc.
The Salvation Army has its presence in many counties. For example: Chicagoland, Northern Illinois or Northwest Indiana
Eblen Charities
Eblen Charities is a community-based charity that focuses on assisting families and individuals during times of crisis and hardship
Their rental assistance program provides assistance to families for past due rent and mortgage payments.
Eligibility for rent assistance program:
EA helps to pay past due power, gas, water, rent, mortgage, or oil. Rent deposits for those who are currently homeless, or electric deposits for those living in a home without electricity.
Applicant must have a child in the home under age 18 and be the primary parent, guardian, or caregiver
Click here to apply.
What is Rent Assistance?
Rent assistance is a non-cash government program that provides funds for low-income households to help pay their monthly rent. It is administered by local governments and is meant for people who have limited income and resources. This sort of assistance is usually provided as part of a program run by the government. There are many different types of rent assistance programs including Section 8 housing, public housing, and other housing subsidies.
Types of Rent Assistance for Tenants
There are different types of rent assistance programs available depending on where you live. This is because there are many different factors involved in each location, such as the cost of rent, local resources available, and the needs of the tenant.
For example, there may be different types of rent assistance available for people who live in public housing, Section 8 housing, and other subsidized housing.
Section 8 – This is a government program that provides low-income households with funds to help pay their monthly rent. You may also be able to receive a voucher and use it to apply for an apartment that meets your needs and is affordable to your budget.
Public Housing – This is low-income housing run by the government. You may apply for a grant and use it to help pay the rent on a unit that is owned by the government.
Other Housing Subsidies – This includes things like utility bills, home repairs, and other expenses that may be charged to a tenant’s account. This may also include rental assistance.
How to Get Help as a Tenant for Rent Assistance
There are many different ways in which you can apply for rent assistance. You can apply directly to the program that will help you with your funding. Alternatively, you can contact your local government and ask them to help you find funding.
You can also contact a charity that offers rent assistance. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to apply for all types of rent assistance that are available in your area. There are many types of rent assistance and you need to apply for them all. This will give you the best chance of being accepted for assistance.
When Should You Apply for Rent Assistance?
You will receive a different type of assistance for each type of rent assistance program that you apply for. The only thing that all of them have in common is that they are all meant for low-income households. This means that you will receive assistance with the costs of your rent.
However, you will have to meet certain requirements in order to be eligible. You will also receive a different type of assistance depending on where you live and the resources that are available to you. Some programs may only offer funds for a specific type of housing. Some of the best times to apply for rent assistance are during these times. This is because landlords are more likely to accept tenants who have no money to pay the rent. However, this is not something that you have control over. So, you need to plan for the best possible timing for you.
Tips on Finding the Best Rent Assistance Program for You
- Research the types of rent assistance that are available in your area. You will want to know what is available in your area so that you can apply for all of them.
- Contact local social services to learn more about housing and resources in your area.
- Keep in mind that all types of rent assistance programs have eligibility requirements. Be sure you meet all of them.
- Consider applying for funding that is only available during times of need. When landlords are more willing to take in tenants with no money.
- Contact non-profits that offer rent assistance and learn more about their programs. Make sure you apply for all of the available assistance programs.
- Remember that the best way to find help is to start by looking online. There are many different websites that offer information about assistance programs and how to apply for them.
- Find a way to save money while living independently. You may want to consider low-income housing or social services like a non-profit.
Some more resources and links we found for rent assistance
Note that these resources can differ from county to county and state to state.
- City of Irving Rental Assistance Programs
- Frisco Emergency Rental Assistance Program
- Rental Assistance resource list
Bottom line
While it can feel like there’s no end in sight to your financial troubles, there are plenty of resources out there that can help. Make sure you don’t let your rent go unpaid and contact a local nonprofit today. These organizations offer a sliding fee scale that can help you pay your rent, no matter how low your income. Be sure to share this article and help the needy.