How to Start a Dessert Fundraiser for Nonprofits

How to Start a Dessert Fundraiser for a Non-Profit Organization

As a nonprofit organization, your mission is to serve the community and help make it a better place. Fundraising is essential for any non-profit to continue its services and programs in the coming years. There are many different types of fundraisers that you can host as a non-profit. A dessert fundraiser is perfect for most nonprofits because you don’t need an excess of space, nor do you need to invest in lots of equipment or supplies.

You also won’t have any leftover food that needs to be thrown away—every last bite will be sold! Read on to learn more about how you can host a dessert fundraiser for your non-profit organization.

What is a Dessert Fundraiser?

A dessert fundraiser is exactly what it sounds like—a fundraiser where people pay money to buy desserts. The dessert may be as simple as cupcakes and is always homemade. You could also sell pies, cookies, or other baked goods.

A dessert fundraiser is perfect for non-profits because desserts have low overheads. You don’t need special equipment or a commercial kitchen to make them. You can make them right at home or find somebody who would love to help bake for the cause. Plus, desserts typically sell out quickly, which means you’ll make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

Why Host a Dessert Fundraiser?

Hosting a dessert fundraiser is a great way to raise money for your non-profit organization. There are several reasons why a dessert fundraiser is a perfect choice:

Desserts have low overhead:- You don’t need a commercial kitchen or specialty equipment to make the desserts. Plus, because desserts are usually homemade, you can make them in your own kitchen.

Desserts are easy to sell:- People love desserts. They’ll be happy to buy one or two in exchange for a few dollars. You’re almost guaranteed to sell out, which means you’ll make more money overall.

Desserts are easy to eat while socializing:- People can buy their desserts, eat them while socializing, and be out the door without making a mess or needing extra time to sit down and eat. They’ll be able to take their desserts home, which means they’ll remember your organization for weeks to come.

Every last bite will be sold:- You won’t end up with any leftover food, so there’s no need to worry about throwing it away.

6 Steps to Hosting a Successful Dessert Fundraiser

You need to take six steps to ensure your dessert fundraising event is a success. Follow these tips to make sure your dessert fundraiser goes off without a hitch.

Choose Your Date And Time – Pick the date and time for your dessert fundraiser wisely. You want it to be during a time when people are free and have the ability to come. You also want it to be when people are in a good mood.

Host the event at a location nearby – You want to host the event at a nearby location so that people don’t have to travel too far to come. Plus, this will allow busy people to drop in anytime during the event without making a special trip.

Find A Non-Profit To Benefit – Find a non-profit organization to benefit from your dessert fundraising event. This helps people have a reason to come and spend their money. It also helps your non-profit get more recognition in the community.

Choose A Theme For Your Event – Having a theme for your dessert fundraiser will help people come up with reasons to come and spend their money. It will also make the event more memorable for everybody who attends.

Advertise The Event – Make sure people know about your dessert fundraising event. You can advertise it online, in the newspaper, at your place of work, or anywhere else that makes sense. You want people to be aware of the event so they can come, spend some money, and support your cause.

Collect Money At The Event – Get a cash box or jar and collect money at the event. Make sure you collect the amount that you charge per dessert, so you make a profit. Another thing you can do is make a QR code for donations. This way, people can scan the QR code and instantly donate online. Use tools like Donorbox or GiveWP to execute.

Host The Event At The Right Time – You want to host the event when people are most likely to come and spend money. The best time is after work or on a weekend evening when people have time to go and relax.

Tips for a Successful Non-Profit Fundraiser

While hosting a dessert fundraiser, remember these tips.

Research the dessert you want to sell:- You don’t want to serve something that nobody wants to eat, so make sure you research before making a decision.

Have a variety of desserts for people to choose from:- You don’t want people to settle for the first dessert they see. A variety gives people options and lets them choose exactly what they want.

Charge an affordable amount per dessert:- You don’t want the price so low that people aren’t willing to pay it. At the same time, you don’t want the price to be so high that it turns people away.

Make sure to take all the money at the end of the event:- If people know they can leave without paying, many won’t. You want to make as much money as possible, so collect all the money you’ve been promised.

Final Thoughts

The best way to host a successful dessert fundraising event is to follow the 6 steps outlined in this article. Make sure you choose your event’s date, time, location, and theme. You should also research the desserts that you serve, so you know they are something people want to eat. Finally, charge an affordable amount for each dessert, and collect all the money you’ve been promised.

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