What is Another Name for Church Fundraisers? Explained
A church fundraiser is a special event or campaign created to raise money for your church. It may seem strange to think of your church needing money, but even religious organizations have operational costs they need to cover.
Fundraisers are a great way to do this and help your cash flow simultaneously. Even if you aren’t in charge of planning fundraisers, it never hurts to know what they are so that you can support them when needed. Fundraising is not easy, but it can be fun if everyone involved is excited about helping the church raise money.
Many people have reservations about church fundraisers because they worry they are selling their souls by participating. However, nothing could be further from the truth as these fundraisers are organized for a good cause: helping your church continue its excellent work on earth. Let’s take a closer look at a church fundraiser and what are some other names to it.
Before heading in, let’s look at some of the names for church fundraisers:
Another name for Church Fundraisers:
- Church Tithe (Tithing)
- Church Capital Campaign
- Church Donation Campaign
- Church Offering
- Pentecost Offering
- Digital Offering Plate
These names more or less fall into the “Church Fundraiser” category, with just different names and slightly different processes.
Let’s look into them one by one:
Church Tithe:

A tithe is a 10% tax or payment to be paid by members of a church to the church. Tithing is considered a type of giving, and it is important for Christians to give a tithe. If you are unsure how much to give, try starting with 10% of your income.
Tithing can be difficult for some people because it requires them to keep track of their finances. However, it is important for Christians to give a tithe to show their faith in God through their actions. By giving a tithe, Christians show that they trust and respect God enough to give him part of what they have earned.
There are many kinds of tithing, including traditional and modern-day tithing. Traditional tithing involves giving 10% of your earnings to the church when you get paid. On the other hand, modern-day tithing involves giving 5% of what you earn each week.
It can be challenging to decide how much you should give each month, but that’s okay! The important thing is that you make time each week to give money to God.
Church Capital Campaign
A capital campaign is a fundraising effort that seeks to raise money for the creation of new facilities or improvements to existing facilities. To be successful, a capital campaign must have a compelling message, creative and innovative fundraising tactics, and a skilled fundraising team.
In addition to being able to raise money, a successful capital campaign must also demonstrate that it has the support of the community. A capital campaign can show that potential donors are interested in supporting the cause by garnering public support.
A well-executed capital campaign can also generate goodwill for the organization by demonstrating that supporters care about its mission. Finally, a successful capital campaign demonstrates that the organization is committed to achieving its goals. By investing in new facilities or programs, an organization shows that it will be there for the long haul.
Church Offering

Church offering is money that the church collects for specific purposes. The most common offerings are:
Church Offering – This is money given to the church to help cover expenses, like utilities and rent. It can also be used for mission projects or other work in the community. Some churches include this in their monthly dues, while others require it to be a separate payment.
Memorial Offering – This is money given to honor someone who has died. It can be given to a memorial fund or charity that honors that person’s memory. Some churches require this to be paid directly to the memorial fund, while others allow members to choose where it goes.
Donation – This is money given voluntarily by congregation members, usually in response to a cause they believe in or want to support. Some churches require this to be paid directly to the cause or organization, while others allow members’ donations to be made through regular contributions or gifts.
Pentecost Offering
Pentecost is a feast and baptism for 500 people at a time. This special event marks Pentecost Sunday, when people celebrate the first day of the 50 days of Acts leading up to Easter Sunday.
Pentecost is one of the most significant feasts in the church year because it commemorates Jesus’s death and resurrection on this same day 50 years earlier. As part of this celebration, people renew their baptismal vows and witness their commitment to Jesus Christ. The Pentecost offering allows to give back to the community through financial offerings.
What Is The Goal Of A Church Fundraiser?
The goal of a church fundraiser is to help your church raise money for a special project or cause. The fundraiser can be planned for any reason, from funding renovations to pay for a new playground for the kids.
There are many types of church fundraisers, and some are more effective than others. Once you know what they are, you can decide which ones best suit your church. You should also remember that a church fundraiser’s goal is not just to make money. Yes, you want to raise as much money as possible, but you also want to have fun.
A fundraiser should be a positive experience for everyone involved. It should be a time when people feel connected to their church and to each other through friendly competition and team-building exercises.
When Are Church Fundraisers Held?
Church fundraisers can be held at any time of year. However, some times of the year are busier and may be easier to organize.
Holidays– Holidays are great times to plan a church fundraiser. Not only do people feel extra generous during these times, but they are also more likely to be able to spend more time at your event. If you are planning a fundraising event around a holiday, make sure it’s relevant to the holiday and linked to your church.
Seasons– Depending on your climate and location, certain seasons may be busier than others. For example, spring is a great time for gardening fundraisers, and summer for car washes.
Special Events– Some fundraisers are specific to a special event held by your church. This could be an annual sporting event or a fundraiser for a specific cause. Organizing these fundraisers around a specific event may be easier because you have a built-in audience.
How To Plan A Church Fundraiser
While the details of each church fundraiser will vary, there are some general tips and tricks you can follow when planning a specific event.
Choose The Right Type Of Fundraiser– Before you can plan a church fundraiser, you need to decide what type of fundraiser you want to hold. As we discussed above, there are many different types of fundraisers you can choose from.
Choose The Right Venue– Once you know what type of fundraiser you want to hold, you need to find a venue that is both accessible and affordable. Depending on your chosen fundraiser, you may need a bigger venue or a different setting.
Set A Deadline– While you don’t have to set a deadline for all church fundraisers, having one for large-scale events such as bake sales, car washes, and auctions is a good idea. Setting a deadline not only gives you a sense of urgency but also helps you keep track of your progress.
Final Thoughts
Church fundraisers are an important part of keeping your church afloat. No matter what type of fundraiser you choose, there is no better feeling than knowing you helped your church raise money for a good cause. If you have been apprehensive about church fundraisers, it’s time to let go of them and get excited about helping your church.